I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your wonderful gift of additional physical therapy sessions. As you know, MS is a difficult disease. I have had a rough time and these sessions have kept me holding on. I meet with them once a week. I was given a wheelchair as soon as I was diagnosed. Life was looking pretty grim. Now, I own MS; MS doesn’t own me. I wish you the best with your fight, thank you for these physical therapy sessions



The air conditioner saved me this summer. I was really struggling and did not know how I would make it through until AFMS was able to assist me. Thank you!



I am young and soon to be married and finally able to have more independence since AFMS helped toward the coast of putting handicap hand controls in my vehicle.  It will be great to drive us to dinner again!


To have your testimonial added, please email jganley@afmsfoundation.org.